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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Is Empower Network for Real


With the proliferation and popularity of the Internet in today's increasingly online options presented for those who want to generate more money.
But it's always a question of whether a particular piece of view is legitimate or not. For this reason many men and women around the world tired and very doubtful whether such, especially new. For example, Empower has the special network scam message like wildfire on blogs, local forums and social networking sites.

Empower Network is a program on the World Wide Web, the people, in order to make money less the standard questions about starting a home based internet business. Its merchandise includes information resources, website marketing courses and excellent electronic services. Because they believe. A lot of marketing professionals that do not give you an advantage for your membership and are not very valuable, this was business as a con
One of a Kind Organization

An active group

In the event that you will do your research on the company Empower Network, you'll find that it has long been at least a year from now, since it began. So far they have already paid more than $ 18 million, nearly 50,000 Internet marketers. Additionally, if 100% of the amount of users. It shows that the organization support its affiliate marketing takes over.

Excellent goods

Although certain products not actually real, and so begins the uncertainty about their own value, and the particular legitimacy of the company, you can see that they are top of the range, if you use them. In fact, there are many companies right now come with such materials for personal growth, drives, and monetary education.

Related to audio and video accessories, the effort basically to increase the development and growth of your business and create your own personal development in various aspects of your well-being Empower Network. For this reason, these useful products that you can be proud of your family members, close friends can, officemates, and more offer.

It also offers a blogging technology fully exploit remarkably easy to use features that will help to generate revenue is online.
Although it offers a number of current site systems, the available jobs, the ones that come to you the characteristics of money-making purposes with a payment.


Legitimate Not a pyramiding scam

If you take the time to study Empower Network, you will notice that there are basically not close to a pyramiding scam, as there is absolutely no people at the top or at the end. All are flush with each other in order to sell products with high costs. This Internet website marketing materials are used not only on the advertising and marketing of Empower Network business, but for existing companies to individuals.

In addition, a pyramid or networking fraud, but one where you pay money for membership and have almost nothing in return. Or you receive the goods, they are not good value for money. In many cases of fraud, sells only the recruitment of persons and no products.
Think about it. Empower Network is con authentic if it will help people who have outstanding online marketing products?

Work hard to get good results

If you want to start to achieve this goal in Empower Network business, you should work hard and be patient. It is really far from get-rich-quick scams, know that you need, so you can view the specific functions in order to generate income from the reversal of a blog, and make money online. So strong teaching is crucial, and plenty of action.

Those who are connected and can then have finished is no benefit, needless to say, mainly because it's time to have to reach your goals in this kind of business. This is why people who have already tried the business and also did lose, just tell other people to stay away from this Empower Network rip-off. What they do not understand is that it is never inferior, but to try just stopped long before they achieve success.

Creating traffic, capture leads and conversion to income

All these three critical Cs is what you really want to learn to be an excellent web marketer. With this method you will get money and freedom through online marketing. These types of goals are being trained by various other web "experts" online, which is why it is considered valid. Use what you are a great help for all of your company to be found, whether it is. Around online based or only offline-based with a strong presence online
Empower Network is a great way for you to gain knowledge and experience in the internet website marketing as well as to win to take advantage of this improved technology to use to promote your organization, develop your range to make better profits.

If you are in doubt today whether Empower Network Scam is actually true or not, you are your own personal exploration well before making it to the right in this industry. Read many reviews and recommendations, and also interviewing existing people. It is only those who are able to think and see if it will be helpful for your own financial goals. Do not forget that the existence of similar scams do not automatically have to be a gimmick as well.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Robot.txt adalah file yang terdapat dalam directory root dari suatu situs yang berguna untuk mengontrol halaman-halaman tertentu agar diindex oleh spider mesin pencari, atau untuk mengatur bagian-bagian tertentu supaya tidak diindex oleh search engine.

Terkadang Google dan beberapa mesin pencari lainya tidak bisa merayapi seluruh artikel yang telah kita buat. Hal ini sangat memperlambat munculnya artikel di mesin pencari. Tidak lain dan tidak bukan di sebabkan oleh kerusakan di Robot.txt.

Kita bisa mengetahui URL yang dicekal melalui Webmaster tools. Google akan mengirim pesan apa bila terdapat kerusakan yang cukup serius di blogg kita. Jika anda mendapat pesan peringatan segera perbaiki situs/blog anda.

Saya akan memberikan solusi bagaimana cara memperbaiki URL yang di cekal oleh Robot.txt.

1. Login ke
2. Pergi ke Setelan > Preferensi dan penelusuran
3. Pada kolom Perayap dan pengindeksan,
4. Klik Edit di bagian kanan robots.txt khusus.
5. Masukan kode dibawah ini

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Allow: /


catatan: "ganti warna hijau dengan URL blogg anda"

6. Centang Ya untuk mengaktifkan.
7. Simpan perubahan.

Tunggu kurang lebih 2 sampai tiga hari untuk memulihkan situs anda.

Saya menyarankan anda 1 minggu sekali untuk memeriksa kesehatan situs anda di Webmaster tools untuk mengetahui ada tidak nya kerusakan di blogg anda.

Semoga " Cara Memperbaiki URL Yang di Cekal Robot.txt " dapat bermanfaat bagi anda. Terimakasih.

Lihat Juga Yang Lainnya

Cara Membuat Tampilan Blog Menarik
Cara Tambah Bahasa Indonesia Blackberry
Cara Membuat Blog Gratis
Online Safety Training Courses For Better Health

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Cara Menghilangkan Gambar Obeng dan Tang Pada Blogger
Kali ini saya akan membahas Cara Menghilangkan Gambar Obeng dan Tang Pada Blogger. Gambar Obeng dan Tang yang biasa kita lihat saat membuka blog, ketika kita tengah beraktifitas ngeblog atau membuat postingan, Sebenernya merupakan sebuah link quick edit. Link ini disediakan oleh blogger agar seorang blogger dapat melakukan edit ulang pada kode html dibagian tertentu yang diberi tanda gambar obeng dan tank tersebut. Meskipun fasilitas ini sebenarnya juga memiliki manfaat, akan tetapi dari berbagai pengamatan yang dilakukan terhadap para blogger, ternyata fasilitas quick edit sangatlah jarang dipergunakan.Tentu saja apabila memang kita tidak pernah menggunakannya, tak ada jeleknya bila icon quick edit ini dibuang sekalian.

Berikut tutorialnya:

1.Login ke Blogger sobat
2.Akses Dashboard, Pilih Rancangan, Edit HTML, lalu Centang "Expand Template Widget"
3.Cari kode]]> </ b: skin>, kemudian copy kode dibawah ini tepat diatas kode tadi

. quickedit {
display: none;

4.Klik Simpan Template.

Semoga Bermanfaat

Lihat juga yang lainnya

How Event Planners Make a Corporate Event a Definite Success


If you have been assigned the responsibility of organizing a large corporate event for your boss, then it is imperative that you should leave no stone unturned to make the event bigger and successful.

However, if you are relatively inexperienced to handle the stress associated with the organization of an event, then using the services of a professional event planner, of course, make sure that the event will be a success without fail.

Organize a great event and luxurious business involves a lot of work, how to find a location, organizing a food best restaurant, booking a DJ for entertainment purposes and also focus on the problems of the media.

The invitations should be sent to guests and do not forget, there are hundreds of other acts that should be taken into account to make the event perfect. If you are also trying to complete their paperwork at the same time, then it can be really annoying and irritating.

The organizers of the event lived and known for contacts and lists of local first class catering, make sure that the decoration event runs smoothly without any problems.

The main advantage of searching for event planning services are all important aspects related to the organization is impeccable and a great event in a systematic way. You can get enough free time to focus on their critical work organization.

Also, take care of the paperwork, you can also examine how corporate event and give the necessary instructions to the plan.

The best plan selection plays a very important role. There are thousands of corporate events management companies in the market have about their services. In such a situation, it is necessary to engage in research for the professional service and specialized to relieve all your stress levels and make sure that the offers are completed in a timely manner.

You can take a look at more cautious about their portfolio of work or go on-line customer testimonials to ensure you are receiving the best service providers. Do not forget to ask if they provide some of the essential things, such as large screens, audio and video equipment that are an intrinsic part of any event.

Therefore, it is clear that the organizers of the event experts are competent enough to take the stress out of your shoulders and organize an event wonderful and memorable business.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cara Membuat Tampilan Blog Menarik

Cara mempercantik tampilan Blog dengan fungsi scroll, dan mengubah Spoiler Favicon 

Ada banyak cara untuk membuat blog Anda terlihat blogger yang baik. Berikan warna yang berbeda, font yang berbeda dan sudut pandang yang berbeda bisa membuat orang tertarik mengunjungi blog Anda secara teratur. Selain itu, ada banyak cara lain di mana Anda dapat mencoba. Salah satu cara adalah dengan menggunakan fungsi scroll.

Ada beberapa blogger yang tidak tahu bagaimana membuat fitur scrolling pada arsip blog. Jika Anda tidak tahu apa arsip blog, Anda dapat menampilkan di blog atau biasa disebut iatu blog Arsip. Langkah selanjutnya adalah cukup untuk mengatur Arsip Blog mereka menjadi lebih menarik, adalah untuk menciptakan bentuk fungsi scroll. Langkah pertama adalah, Anda login ke Blogger dengan akun Anda. Kemudian pilih gambar dan kemudian pilih Edit HTML.

Setelah memlilih Edit HTML, cari kode atau file. Kemudian akan ada kode yang berwarna merah dan hitam, tambahkan kode merah dan membuat perubahan. Kemudian Anda dapat menyimpan template. Namun, jika Anda tidak menemukan kode merah, melakukan editing sekali waktu.

Ini adalah cara untuk mempercantik blog Anda, sementara ada banyak cara lain yang dapat Anda lakukan. jika Anda ingin mengurangi berat loading halaman, Anda dapat menggunakan spoiler untuk blog Anda. Para fungsi spoiler pada minggu blog untuk mengurangi beban berat halaman, yang biasanya dimasukkan ke dalam spoiler adalah gambar dengan resolusi besar, sehingga gambar tidak akan memuat spoiler langsung untuk mempercepat waktu loading. Kemudian, Anda dapat meng-upload banyak foto di blog Anda, tetapi mengurangi biaya loading halaman. Fungsi lain dari spoiler adalah bahwa kita dapat menghemat ruang dan memungkinkan tampilan yang lebih teratur.

Cara lain untuk mengakses blogger mempercantikb adalah untuk mengganti favicon. Jika, secara umum, kita dapat mengganti favicon dengan mengedit HTML, sekarang Anda dapat melakukannya langsung dari fitur yang Anda miliki di blog Anda. Langkah pertama adalah, Anda harus sign in ke account blogger Anda.

Pada halaman utama terdapat daftar blog cukup klik pada Dashboard Blog faviconnya harus diubah. Kemudian klik Edit elemen yang terletak pada Lingkup Favicon elamen navigasi bar, jendela baru, favicon konfigurasi jendela silahkan pilih file icon yang ingin Anda instal, gunakan file dengan ekstensi. Ico karena file adalah file icon dukungan. Ico. Kemudian klik Save untuk menyimpan pengaturan. Setelah selesai, cobalah untuk membuka blog, dan favicon yang berubah sesuai dengan perubahan pada tahun sebelumnya.

Semoga Tips ini Bermanfaat

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Making Profits From an Online Lead Generation Process

Any company looking to make a good profit wants to focus on creating a lead generation process because leads Dynatic are the trademark of the game.

One of the biggest challenges is sound with a lead generation process is right for the entire company. In other words, a process that is inexpensive and that. High quality converse occurs leading

Since all lines are not equal. What might seem an outcome very cheap costs and your business., A lot of wasted time and money if the line is not for sale to convert So the conclusion is always the best measure for looking at the whole picture.

What are the costs to generate these new customers in total. What is the ROI?

Anyone who tries to do to continue living with the purpose of obtaining income exactly what it means, Leads unqualifed means work. Both are a waste of time and money.

Not to mention the stress incurred by non-manufacturing. But relax. The best defense is often assume an offensive position.

Meaning consider starting your own lead generation process, so you are still responsible for the quantity and quality of leads. Lead Prospertity lead to prosperity, but only if you. Presentations to people who have a sincere interest in what you have to offer and you are able to make a purchase today

While it is a little time to set up and provide a large funnel lead generation can take, whatever, it's worth the effort and time as it has increased confidence in the lines.

This is especially true if you want to pump lines own network marketing or direct marketing organization. Not only you are able to control the quality, but you can control the quanity to take you to a need basis can produce.

Find a way to handle more leads that you can then go in person to your team leaders to create. Cherry select the best and share the rest.

Lead Generation Process Explained

Sale sale recommendation of friends and referral is our preferred way of doing business. Why? As is usually the right way to do a great service or a fabulous find - just ask the people you know who defend and why? So you could be adding an element of trust in the process of generating new leads a long way. For example, provide the name of your company, if you manage a business with name recognition. Add Visa / credit card or BBB brand logo or other trusted brands. Maybe you can work with some well known companies trust and make a cheap deal. Include elements of trust to increase sales.

But, to return a minute. Even prior to a lead generation process you describe to be clear about who your target market is accurate. What they are looking for in particular? Who is old are they anyway? How much money to do so.

What languages ​​language to use and what is the average level of education? If you have this information, the goal is to sell their materials reinforced this exact demographic (think selling tribal) to orchestrate so you can play music to their ears. For example, why promote a version of high-end luxury or your service or product to a group of low-end or middle income? Not only will you want to waste money on advertising - which leads to produce basically meaningless because it can not and will not be converted. Keep your target market in mind at all times.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Cara Membuat Blog Gratis


Pergi ke situs web

Buat email baru dengan mengklik tombol (merah) "Buat Akun". Kemudian akan muncul data formulir. Isi data email Anda seperti  di bawah ini, kemudian klik "Next Step". (Lihat gambar)

Anda akan dibawa ke halaman verifikasi, untuk memastikan Anda benar-benar menggunakan nomor telepon yang telah diisi dalam bentuk sebelumnya. Dalam "Opsi Verifikasi" "Pesan Teks" pilih untuk membuatnya lebih mudah. Cek kembali nomor ponsel Anda, lalu klik "Kirim kode verifikasi". (Lihat gambar)

Anda akan mendapatkan "SMS" dari nomor kode verifikasi Google. Masukkan nomor yang di "Kode Verifikasi", kemudian klik "Verity". (Lihat Gambar)

Selamat anda telah berhasil membuat email baru. Klik "Lanjutkan ke Gmail" jika Anda ingin masuk ke halaman email Anda. (Lihat Gambar)

Langkah awal selesai. Berikutnya adalah membuat blog baru, harus menggunakan email baru yang telah dibuat. Jadi pergi langsung ke Blogger (tidak logout dari gmail).


Pergi ke situs

Sign in (masuk) ke blogger menggunakan email baru dengan memasukkan password email Anda, kemudian klik "Sign in". (Lihat Gambar)

Berikutnya adalah untuk membuat halaman profil baru, Anda dapat membuatnya langsung ke Google+ atau hanya profil blogger tanpa membuat akun Google+. Untuk contoh ini saya memilih blogger profile saja (Blogger Profile). Isi nama untuk profil tersebut, kemudian klik "Lanjutkan ke Blogger". (Lihat Gambar)

Selanjutnya membuat blog baru, klik "New Blog". (Lihat Gambar)

Isi nama blog (Judul), alamat blog (Alamat), lalu pilih jenis diamplifikasikan. Terakhir, klik tombol "Buat Blog". (Lihat Gambar)

Selamat Blog Anda didirikan. Langkah selanjutnya adalah membuat posting dan mengatur template Anda.

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Online Safety Training Courses For Better Health
Mobile Application Development Android and IOS
Apple iPod Shuffle 4gb and 4th Generation 2 GB Price in India
How IT Consultancy Services Can Be Valuable for Your Company
Laxmi Deepawali Poojan

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Online Safety Training Courses For Better Health

Health and safety training is important for just about any business. Employers are usually lawfully needed to safeguard their workers by managing dangers, doing chance checks and offering a training system. There are many ways that these types of courses may be provided, with places of work more and more deciding on online options. What are the professional and downsides of e-learning, though, and the way will it equate to more common strategies?

The main advantage of an online strategy will be the flexibility. As staff may accessibility the time coming via virtually just about almost every computer having an net connection, most office buildings will have every thing they want after they join. When compared with hiring a trainer or participating in a program externally, this implies a lot less trouble. Another highlight is no need to look for a prevent of energy wherever many people are free - every worker can full the training whenever they obtain possibility, in both a positive one go or perhaps several levels.

An additional issue is price. Online training can be quite affordable. Basically planing a trip to a class outside the workplace can be pricey and costs the company in terms of the time that it takes to get presently right now generally at this time now certainly, truth be told furthermore in that respect so here. If you employ some other phone audio, you may need to give a lunch or perhaps guide a place. They are all hidden charges as well as the training itself, which will get higher priced in the first place.

Just what exactly option is the most interesting will mostly rely on this loudpresenter, trainer or perhaps software program you decide on. There are several great general open speakers available who is able to help to help create delivering sales pitches intriguing and obtain the viewers included. Generally, though, are going to a mysterious number thing. Several are usually totally boring, as well as when they are not, once the training requirements renewing you probably would not want to tune in to them another moment.

E-learning is much more dependable because you know for several what you really are getting. It is designed to be interactive and could characteristic audio tracks substance, video tutorials and also tests to keep issues fascinating. It is confirmed which diamond helps individuals find out more effectively, and this means could be a far better remedy as compared to using a dull trainer teaching the staff.

Companies usually offer health and safety training basically to tick any package and do not anticipate their particular employees to get anything important from it. This can be a sad situation, because 26.4 zillion trading days had been lost in the UK as a result of incidents as well as work-related illness last year. Several have been due to anxiety, anxiousness, and also depressive disorders, or even musculoskeletal problems for instance back pain as well as RSI. Most could have been averted. Supplying a program that workers find interesting as well as educational can save businesses big money by price quantity of ill days their workers get, of course, if personnel are more happy they could receive treatment extra successfully.

Although bringing in the trainer or going to courses can be efficient in some cases, online training is definitely probably one of essentially by far the best successful and painless method of getting the staff up to date in health and safety concerns. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mobile Application Development Android and IOS

Mobile Apps Development
We have entered Web 3.0 which is the mobile era & app world. In this era, the mobile phone has become a gadget which is used for several purposes other than just communication. This increasing demand for mobile phones which serve different purposes has opened up thresholds for mobile phone development companies to build numerous creative & dynamic mobile applications on various concepts and themes.

In the past decade, a lot of new platforms have evolved & are available in the market for mobile app development. Some of them are Android, Blackberry, iPhone & Windows Mobile. Further, let's talk about some Android Tablet Apps, some info on Facebook apps and iPhone App Development.

Although the amount of apps is less in an Android Tablet as compare to the iPhone, some Android Tablet Apps are really good. We have shortlisted some of the best Android Tablet applications which you can enjoy & the list is as follows:

1) gReader - Google Reader RSS app

Google Reader can be of great help to you, if you like to be updated about news across the web. It is widely used to know about the current affairs & the market conditions on the web.

2) Google Translate - translation app

Google Translate is the finest tablet-optimised app which Google has made. The translate app has a very useful feature where you can switch it to a conversation mode. After switching to this mode you can just speak into the tablet & it will produce easily readable translation.

3) Plume - Twitter app

You should upgrade this android twitter app to a third party client if you want the best experience. Its interface is very much similar to that of Tweet Deck & it works just fine.
IPhone App Development
IPhone has become a trend in the mobile era. It is one of the best platforms to build various kinds of mobile applications which are quite user friendly & entertaining. IPhone applications can be build for different types of purposes like browsing, navigation, shopping, social networking, entertainment, business and much more. The base of iPhone users is increasing & hence, it's a good platform to display your products through mobile applications.

Here are some advantages of developing iPhone Mobile Applications:

•You can deliver better customer service with consumer satisfaction
•You can engage your customer in the brand activities
•Create awareness about your products & services through the apps
•You can create brand recognition
•You can gradually increase your business profits & sales

Facebook applications are an extension of Facebook's excellent service. Through these applications you can create a boom of your brand in a large audience. You can also customize the apps according to your preferences and even target an audience on the basis of location.
Here some of the different kinds of Facebook Applications you can build to increase user engagement and brand awareness on Facebook.
•Game Based Applications
•Poll Based Applications
•Quiz Applications
•E-commerce Applications
•General Survey Applications

So with this basic information on Mobile application development, info on some advantages of iPhone applications and knowledge about the different types of Facebook applications, you can build efficient mobile applications for your product or service & experience ongoing user engagement.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Apple iPod Shuffle 4gb and 4th Generation 2 GB Price in India

Apple iPod shuffle 4gb and 4th Generation 2 GB price in india:iPod Shuffle may be the fourth-generation shuffle from Apple. This very good music player is constructed from a single bit of aluminum and it is very very portable around as possible clipped to shirt, jacket, or perhaps a purse strap.

The Shuffle measures 1.14 inch x 1.24 inch( height x width) and weighs just 12.5 g. The key part of the Music player, the control buttons, are simple to reach. Right in front of the player is really a circle featuring its play and pause buttons within the center. The prior track and then track buttons will be to the sides together with volume rocker.

A unique feature from the iPod Shuffle is really a switch on the very best side from the music player, that allows user to pick between abide by next track/shuffle music or switch off. The shuffle includes a useful VoiceOver button, which reads the name from the song and also the artist in 29 different languages. The very best side also offers a 3.5 mm audio jack for headphones.

The Apple iPod Shufflee can enjoy up to 15 hours of music and it has 2 GB of storage. This very good music player comes with rechargeable lithium-ion battery and could be fully charged in Three hours. The Shaffle could be charged utilizing a USB cable or power adapter. A person can transfer songs, playlists, audiobooks, podcasts, along with other audio files through USB cable via iTunes.

4th Generation 2 GB price in india Rs. 3700

Apple's newest iPod shufle 4gb announced with almost no forewarning and immediately sparked some controversy. The 4GB iPod shuffle, the third generation from the product, removes much more from a device that individuals have typically viewed as being about as stripped down like a portable media player could be. The 3rd generation from the shufflea takes things a little further than the prior two models though, and today even their last iPodian relic, the circular controller, continues to be removed.

The Apple Voice Over world smallest music player also happens to be the world first talking one. Two things that make the iPod shuffle one amazing device.Introducing VoiceOver, Musically speaking, the new iPod shuffle is brilliant, thanks to an exciting new feature called VoiceOver. Say you are listening to a song and want to know the title or the artist. With the press of a button, VoiceOver speaks them inEnglish as the music dips down. It even announces the names of your playlists. And when your battery needs charging, VoiceOver tells you that, too.

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

How IT Consultancy Services Can Be Valuable for Your Company

IT consulting has conquered the world of information technology to a great extent. Nowadays every kind of business needs networking services to increase their efficiency as well as build up a good reputation in their niche. But this field is not a stable one and enormous changes are taking place in the IT world as new techniques are increasing progressively. To augment the output of the company and give a healthy competition to the other organizations, it is a mandate to keep updating the business in every manner.

It is not a generalized task to learn and apply the latest technologies into the infrastructure of a firm and a technical know-how of the various procedures are required. An IT consultant is a professional outfitted with all this knowledge who can give your business the strength to fight for a higher position. The main responsibilities of such a professional involves setting up various updating measures for the present technology of the company, performing all the calculations regarding the required updating, examining the efficiency of the revised IT projects, evaluating and eliminating the risks involved and developing the at-hand project according to the needs.

While selecting an IT professional for your rising firm, you have to first evaluate the basic requirements of your company. The professional should have an exhaustive acquaintance of his field. a practical experience of working on different projects following various technologies will just add up to his worth. Most of the time ignored, but a must, good behavioral skills are also desirable as he may need to convince his seniors as well as peers about his ideas.

The projects undertaken by the IT firms cannot be completed by an individual and a team effort is required to reach the results in time. In such cases, the verbal aptitude of a person is of great help to present his plans. In case he has to lead a team, he is required to possess the quality of leadership. The higher officials are then needed to evaluate the solution for feasibility and cost effectiveness to benefit the company is every respect. As an IT consultant, it is expected out of him to keep himself updated with the latest trends and developments in the concerned industry and serve his company. Documentation is also an art that is expected out of him to create a written statement of what is assigned to whom, what is the purpose behind it, when is the completion expected and what all has already been done.

After learning about all these tasks performed by an IT consultation professional, you must have got an idea of how demanding this profile is. The job of a consultant is a continual process and he is required to keep himself updated with the changes taking place in his field and suggest steps to incorporate these changes into the infrastructure of the company. A consultant's job is not just finding out the issue and solving it, but also to suggest vital changes.

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Laxmi Deepawali Poojan

The Laxmi pujan is the highlight of the Deepavali. Laxmi, the goddess of wealth is invited into every office and every home on this day. The householders and the business folks pray to the goddess for financial prosperity and wealth in the coming year. Even the tantriks and the Sadhus consider this a special day and do specials siddhis and tantric rituals on this day. Lakshmi Pooja, or the worship of the goddess of wealth, is the main event on Diwali in India. It is extremely important to keep the house spotlessly clean and pure on Diwali. Goddess Lakshmi likes cleanliness, and she will visit the cleanest house first. This is also the reason why the broom is worshiped on this day with offerings of haldi and kumkum (turmeric and vermilion). Lamps are lit in the evening to welcome the goddess. They are believed to light up her path. Ganesha is worshiped at the beginning of every auspicious act as Vighnaharta

Material Required for Diwali Puja

1. The idols of Shri Mahalaxmi and Shri Ganesh in sitting position.

2. Saffron, Roli, Rice, Pan, Supari (betel-nut), fruits, flowers, milk, Kheel, Batashe, Sindoor
    (Vermillion), Coins, Cloves.

3. Dry-fruits, Mithai, Curd, Ganges-Water, Dhoop-batti, Agar-batti, 11 Diyas

4. Cotton-wool, dried Coconut, and a Copper kalash (vessel).

Preparing for Diwali Poojan

Place the statues of Laxmi and Ganesh on the Chowki such that they face either the east or the west direction and Laxmi ji is to the right of Ganesh ji. The person making the prayers must be in front of the idols. Keep the kalash on a pile of rice in front of Laxmi ji. Wrap the coconut in red cloth such that you can see the front portion of the coconut. The kalash is a symbol for lord Varun.

Create a 'Shri' symbol near Laxmiji and a trishul near lord Ganesh. Make a pile of some rice then make 9 smal piles of the rice. Keep three thalis and the kalash filled with water in front of the small chowki. Keep the following material in the thalis:
Kheel, Batashe, Mithai, clothes, ornaments, Sandal-paste, Vermillion, Betel-nut, in the second thali.

Flowers, Rice, Cloves, Cardamoms, Saffron, Camphor, paste of Turmeric and Chuna (edible lime), scented items, dhoop-batti, agarbatti and one diya in the third thali.

The person performing the prayers must sit before the thalis, the family members must be towards the left and the others must sit behind the family members.

Lakshmi Poojan on Diwali or Deepawali

Goddess Lakshmi is worshiped in her three forms - Mahalakshmi (the goddess of wealth and money), Mahasaraswati (the goddess of books and learning), and Mahakali; Kuber (the treasurer of the gods) is also worshiped. Lakshmi is also worshipped in the form of actual currency - silver or a gold coin in order that prosperity become a part of the household. Thereafter, an offering (in the form of some sweet or the other) is made to the Gods and everyone in the family partakes a bit from the same.

Lakshmi Maa Ashtak Stotram Mantra (English Version)
Namastetu Mahaamaaye Shree peetthey Surpoojitey
Shankha chakra gadaa hastey
Mahaalaxmi Namostutey
O Mahaamaya, abode of fortune who art worshipped by the Devas,
I salute Thee:
O MahaaLaxmi, wielder of conch, disc and mace,
obeiscance to Thee.
Namastey Garooda roodhey
Kola asura bhayankari
Sarva paapa harey Devi
Mahaa Laxmi Namostutey
My salutations to Thee,
Who ridest the Garuda,
And art a terror to Asura Kola:
O Devi MahaaLaxmi remover of all miseries,
My obeisance to Thee.
Sarvagyey Sarvey-Varadey
Sarva-dushta Bhayankaree
Sarva-dukha harey Devi
MahaLaxmi Namostutey.
O Devi MahaLaxmi who knowest all,
Giver of all boons,
A terror to all the wicked,
Remover of all sorrow,
Obeisance to Thee.
Sidhee- Budhee pradey Devi,
Bhukti Mukti pradaayanee,
Mantra-Moortey sadaa Devi,
MahaLaxmi Namostutey.

Laxmi Pooja Vidhi

Take Akshat, flowers and water in your hand. Take some coins / money also. Now chant the Sank-Sankalp mantra and take the sankalp that I, your name, belong to, your place, during your time is going to perform prayers to your deity which may give me the full results as per the Shastras.

Perform the pujan of lord shri Ganesh and then goddess Laxmi.

Take some water in your hand and say the Ahwaan (calling) and the pooja mantras and then cast the pooja material onto the idols. Take Akshat and flowers in your hand and then say the Navagraha Strota. End the puja with the Mahalaxmi Arti.

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Best Way To Display Advertise Signage Toronto

It is generally perceived that a sign has the power to speak to a customer in the same way a sales person does, thereby increasing the sales of the product. Hence signage Toronto plays a pivotal role in advertising as well as creating awareness about a particular product which has either been already launched yet unknown or is on the verge of getting launched.

In order to get the most out of the signage it is very important for the creating company to have a perfect understanding of designing concepts and an in depth knowledge of visualization. Only then can a signage be created with an attractive and eye-catchy concept which will be unmatched in its appeal and providing a very high visibility of the brand concerned.

Other than making signage, a sign printer Toronto also specializes in making signs using materials which include metals like aluminum, vinyl, plastics, polypropylene sheets and PVC, carved wood, magnets etc. Signs made can also vary from neon signs to acrylic signs, Coroplast signs, corrugated signs, wood signs etc.

Services provided by these firms have to be all encompassing. Thus they should also be adept at designing graphics, building signs, banners, unique signs, business signs etc. depending on the demands of the client concerned. Some of the various services and products provided are given in brief below.

Vehicle Graphics Toronto generally converts the company vehicle of the client concerned into a mobile advertisement unit by the application of graphics and decals. Trucks are generally used for this purpose and according to Interstate Advertising, this type of signage positively influences about 74% motorists driving on the highways.

Banners are best suited for drawing attention to products, businesses, events or organizations and can be displayed in a variety of locations. Banners can be of many types like indoor and outdoor banners, retractable banners, advertising banners, banner stands, agricultural and trade show banners etc. A special mention has to be made about vinyl banners Toronto since these can be used over and over again year after year due to their durable and flexible nature which helps them to withstand all elements of nature like rain, snow etc.

Other popular services provided include building signs, trade show displays, signs depicting point of sales, decals and labels, digital signage etc. Printing for all these services are generally done using large format printing Toronto which results in high precision output with regards to both color and design.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Cara Suntik Bahasa Indonesia Blackberry

Nih buat agan2 yang butuh file bi BlackBerry silakan langsung unduh ajja

Caranya modah loh hanya menggunakan kabel Usb & Master Control Program, Leptop/pc
Instal Master Control programnya di leptp/pc anda.
Hubungkan BB anada Ke Leptop/pc dengan usb kalau dah terhubung aakan muncul pin bb anda,
kalau sudah muncul pin BB klik gambar panah kebawah sepeti gambar di bawah ini.

Lalu klik Cod/JAD maka akan muncul jendela baru lalu masukan file COD/JAD
cod/jad adalah file bahasa indonesianya seperti gambar di bawah ini

Kemudian tekan tombol load tunggu beberapa saat maka handphon anda akan restat sendiri.
coba anda lihat di pengaturan hp anda sudah ada bahasa indonesianya.

Master control program

Ini file Bahasa Indonesianya

Bahasa Indonesia Os4

Bahasa Indonesia Os5

Bahasa indonesia Os6
Bi BB8100


Bi BB8220

Bi BB97XX os6

Bi BB8520 Os5



Bi BB98XXOs6



Bi BB93XXOs6

Bahasa indonesia Os7 BB9930 7 Onyx2

BI Injektor Os7

Trik-trik reparasi Blackberry

Trik Jamper blackberry

Trik Blackberry

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